Join us as a sponsor on August 6th, as

Agenda Latina & Chatham County Parks and Recs

brings you ‘Fiesta at the Park’

Presenting Partner - SOLD- JCB

Exclusive Partnership

Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Fiesta at the Park partner, you will receive the following benefits:
ACCESS: Exposure and introduction to hundreds of families and business professionals within the Savannah Metro Area.
Speaking Opportunity: 3-5 minute opportunity to address the crowd to share you commitment to supporting families in our community
Vendor Tent: Prime visibility location for a vendor tent (10×20 space); tent not included
Video: Included in the promotional video and the thank you video; shared on website and social media sites
Video: Interviewed by an Agenda Latina representative and shared on all digital platforms
Article: Listed as the presenting partner with a backlink to your website in an article written and shared in both Spanish (on Agenda Latina) and in English (on Live Like Locals Savannah / Lowcountry); also shared on social media sites
Press Release: Recognition in event announcement news release
Ad Promotion: 60 second reel shared on four platforms for both Live Like Locals and Agenda Latina: YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram; ad runs weekly for approx. eight (8) weeks.
Company Logo: Prominently featured on event signage (print & digital)
Company Logo: Prominently featured on event webpage with a link to your company website
Company Logo: Prominently featured on Facebook event with a link to your company website
Business Directory Listing: One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Fiesta at the Park marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Social Media: Special THANK YOU posts shared on social media

Signature Partner

Two Available

ACCESS: Exposure and introduction to hundreds of families and business professionals within the Savannah Metro Area.
Vendor Tent: Prime visibility location for a vendor tent (10×20 space); tent not included
Video: Included in the promotional video and the thank you video
Ad Promotion: 30 second reel shared on four platforms for both Live Like Locals and Agenda Latina: YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram; ad runs weekly for approx. eight (8) weeks.
Company Logo: Featured on event signage (print & digital)
Company Logo: Featured on event webpage with a link to your company website Company Logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website Business Directory Listing: One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Fiesta at the Park marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Recognition: Verbal recognition from the stage

Gift Partner

Exclusive Partnership

The Gift Partner will create a station the option to provide gift/supply bags for approximately 300 families. Number based on an estimate of families in need, not all attendees.

The Gift Partner is encouraged to decorate the gift station. Decorate it in company colors, logos, mascot, etc.

Make this a bright, fun station that EVERYONE will enjoy spending time at.
Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Fiesta at the Park partner, you will receive the following benefits:

ACCESS: Exposure and introduction to hundreds of families and business professionals within the Savannah Metro Area.
Vendor Tent: Prime visibility location for a vendor tent (10×20 space); tent not included. Exact location is near entrance/exit so that everyone has an opportunity to get the supplies their family needs before leaving the Fiesta at the Park.
Gift/Supply Bags: Gift Partner will supply the bags that will contain supplies.
Every family will go home with your logo and contact information.
Video: Included in the promotional video and the thank you video
Company Logo: Featured on event signage (print & digital)
Company Logo: Featured on event webpage with a link to your company website Company Logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website
Business Directory Listing: One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Fiesta at the Park marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Recognition: Verbal recognition from the stage

Agua Partner

In-kind (approx. $1,500 value)
Exclusive Partnership

The Agua Partner has the option to provide water for attendees and containers to hold the water OR provide $1,500 for Agenda Latina to purchase the supplies.

The Agua Partner has the option (is encouraged) to decorate the water station. Decorate it in company colors, logos, etc.

Make this a bright, fun station that EVERYONE will see.

ACCESS: Exposure to hundreds of families and business professionals within the Savannah Metro Area.
Vendor Tent: Decorate the water station creatively with your colors, logo, mascot, etc. Space allocated is approximately 10×20; tent not included
Company Logo: Listed on event webpage with a link to your company website Company Logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website Business Directory Listing: One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Fiesta at the Park marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Recognition: Verbal recognition from the stage

Inspirational Partner

Inspiration Partner
10 Available

Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Fiesta at the Park partner, you will receive the following benefits:
ACCESS: Exposure to hundreds of families and business professionals within the Savannah Metro Area.
Vendor Tent: Vendor space (10×10 space); tent not included
Company logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website Company Logo: Listed on event webpage
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Fiesta at the Park marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Business Directory Listing: 25% Off Discount on One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website

Supporting Partner

Unlimited Available

Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Fiesta at the Park partner, you will receive the following benefits:
ACCESS: Exposure to hundreds of families and business professionals within the Savannah Metro Area.
Company Logo: Listed on event signage (print & digital)
Company Logo: Listed on event webpage
Company Logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Fiesta at the Park marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Business Directory Listing: 25% Off Discount on One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website

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