Únase a nosotros el 10 de diciembre cuando
Agenda Latina patrocina el Latin Corner
En el Mega Pop-Up & Farmer’s Market
Gain Access to the Fastest Growing Population in the Area
We’re Hosting a Latin Corner at the Mega Pop-up and Farmer’s Market. This event is in partnership with Live Like Locals Savannah and Chatham County Parks. Together, we’re leading the charge to facilitate meaningful, family friendly events that will both educate and entertain Chatham County residents. Through this partnership we’re raising the level of awareness of Hispanic culture and celebrating the beautiful traditions.
We are committed to growing the overall event impact, connections and opportunities for attendees and exposure for our partners. What we’re doing is unprecendented in this area. This event will be the areas largest, consistent community event.
The event will feature a full farmer’s market, local vendors, LIVE entertainment, in-person book readings and signing from local authors, games and crafts in the kid zone and of course food trucks. There is truly something for the whole family. To learn more about the event and activities, visit: https://livelikelocalssavannah.com/mega-pop-up-farmers-market/
How You Can Get Involved
Presenting Partner
One Available Each Month
Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Latin Corner partner, you will receive the following benefits:
ACCESS: Exposure and introduction to thousands of families and business professionals within the Metro Area.
Speaking Opportunity: 3-5 minute opportunity to address the crowd to share you commitment to supporting families in our community.
Vendor Tent: Prime visibility location for a vendor tent (10×20 space); tent not included.
Video: Included in the promotional video and the thank you video; shared on website and social media sites.
Video: Interviewed by an Agenda Latina representative and shared on all digital platforms.
Article: Listed as the presenting partner with a backlink to your website in an article written and sharedon Agenda Latina website; also shared on social media sites.
Press Release: Recognition in event announcement news release.
Company Logo: Prominently featured on event signage (digital).
Company Logo: Prominently featured on event webpage with a link to your company website.
Company Logo: Prominently featured on Facebook event with a link to your company website.
Business Directory Listing: One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website.
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Latin Corner marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week.
Social Media: Special THANK YOU posts shared on social media.
Signature Partner
Three Available Each Month
Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Latin Corner partner, you will receive the following benefits:
ACCESS: Exposure and introduction to thousands of families and business professionals within the Metro Area.
Vendor Tent: Prime visibility location for a vendor tent (10×20 space); tent not included.
Video: Included in the promotional video and the thank you video.
Company Logo: Featured on digital event signage.
Company Logo: Featured on event webpage with a link to your company website.
Company Logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website.
Business Directory Listing: One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website.
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Latin Corner marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Recognition: Verbal recognition from the stage.
Inspirational Partner
Inspiration Partner
5 Available Each Month
Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Latin Corner partner, you will receive the following benefits:
ACCESS: Exposure to thousands of families and business professionals within the Metro Area.
Vendor Tent: Vendor space (10×10 space); tent not included.
Company Logo: Listed on event signage (digital).
Company logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website.
Company Logo: Listed on event webpage.
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Latin Corner marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week.
Business Directory Listing: 25% Off Discount on One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website.
Supporting Partner
Unlimited Available
Brand Recognition and Benefits
As a Latin Corner partner, you will receive the following benefits:
ACCESS: Exposure to thousands of families and business professionals within the Metro Area.
Company Logo: Listed on event signage (digital).
Company Logo: Listed on event webpage.
Company Logo: Listed on Facebook event with a link to your company website.
Social Media: Tagged in social media posts for the Latin Corner marketing campaign; approx. three (3) per week
Business Directory Listing: 25% Off Discount on One Year Basic Listing on Agenda Latina website